Alcohol Drugs Prevention and Education Program

The Alcohol and Drug Prevention and Education Program (ADPEP) aims to reduce the use of alcohol and other drugs among youth living within Jackson County.

As a public health program, ADPEP employs the Public Health Model, focusing on health and well-being at the population level. The model uses a multi-pronged approach that recognizes and addresses the relationships and interactions among an agent (alcohol, drugs, etc.), a host (the drinker or drug user), and the environment (the social and physical context of substance use).

The ADPEP Program also relies on additional key evidence-based models including the Strategic Prevention Framework, the Institute of Medicine Framework, and the Risk and Protective Factors Model. These models help us to conduct prevention practices that are targeted and effective.

In order to accurately determine the needs of Jackson County, the program utilizes a strategic process of assessment. Interviews, data collection, and focus groups make up this process and give a voice to the people of the community. This assessment guides our focus and ensures that we select a prevention strategy that meets the needs of the community.

The ADPEP Program highly values partnerships with the community. We rely on collaboration with schools, non-profits, and other community organizations in order to effectively reach youth. We believe that prevention cannot be done alone, but rather relies on the collaborative effort of multiple agencies working together.

Through mutual partnerships, the ADPEP Program strives to reduce the risk factors associated with substance use, and to foster protective factors and the achievement of the forty developmental assets. It is our goal to strengthen resiliency within the youth of Jackson County. We hope to enable them to make healthy choices so they can grow into healthy, thriving adults.

2021 Fall Substance Abuse Prevention Art ContestJackson County Public Health recently held their 5th Annual Substance Abuse Prevention Art Contest and received over 350 entries. The contest was open to all Jackson County students in grades 1-12, and offered students the opportunity to be creative while also bringing awareness to prevention of substance use.

Thank you to all the students that participated in our contest. We look forward to next year!

View the Winning Animated GIFS from Hedrick Middle School

Current ADPEP Program Activities:Informational Videos & Resources

Resources for the Community

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